Shrimper Owners Association



Standard Boat Owning Membership

We hope that, having seen the range of information contained in this website, you will be encouraged to join and support the Shrimper Owners Association (SOA). The fact that you have decided to buy a Shrimper is sufficient; you are now a Shrimper owner, one of a band of a very special like-minded people. Our Members are located across the world; indeed, we are represented in every continent bar Antarctica.

SOA members come from a wide range of sailing abilities and expertise and each uses their Shrimper in the way they choose. The versatility of the boat enables owners to day sail, race or embark on extended cruises. Combine this with the ability to trail your boat to new cruising areas and your options are thrown wide open. Whatever direction you choose, you will certainly enjoy yourselves.

Membership of the SOA is open to all owners of both new and second-hand boats in all three sizes, Shrimper 17 (formerly Crabber 17) Shrimper 19 and Shrimper 21.  There is a one-off joining fee of £45.00 but no annual subscription with Association funding being supported by the generosity of individual members who make donations from time to time. Any surplus revenues from Shrimper events and the profits from the sale of SOA burgees are also added to central funds.  

SOA members are kept up to date with events and activities around the country via this website and through the SOA Magazine (The Shrimper), currently produced twice a year. The magazine also contains items of interest, such as cruise logs, reports, technical items, photos etc., which members are encouraged to contribute. 

The SOA maintains a comprehensive database of member information listing all three boat types and publishes a ‘Register of Owners’ every two years (the next edition being due for issue in Spring 2024). Data held by the SOA is drawn from the Membership Application Form and is considered the minimum necessary to operate successfully. Members can choose not to have an entry in the Register if they seek a measure of privacy. 

So, if you have a Shrimper but have not yet joined the SOA, we would be delighted to welcome you aboard. Simply click on the Membership Application link below and complete and return the form.

Details for existing members upsizing or downsizing boats (e.g. Shrimper 19 to 21) will be moved to the appropriate register by completion of a Boat Transfer Form and the payment of the £10 fee.


Associate Membership

This grade of membership is available to two different groups of people.  

Former owners can opt to remain within the SOA as Associates, enabling them to keep in touch with old friends and on-going activities.

Non-owners with an interest in Shrimpers (usually crew or potential owners) can also take up Associate Membership.

Existing members will pay an annual subscription of £10 but those people new to the SOA will need to pay £20 in their first year (covering the cost of a Welcome Pack), reverting to £10 thereafter.


Application Forms

The SOA is trying to streamline its processes through online completion of forms. However, if you are uncomfortable with this, and prefer to apply in hard copy, please access and download the relevant form via the links above.


Payment Methods

If you are not happy completing and submitting your details online, please download and print a copy of the form.

We can accept payments using the following methods:

Cheque from a UK bank or BACS transfer to:

For overseas members please use:

© Shrimper Owners Association 2025
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