Shrimper Owners Association


Welcome to the 'TECHNICAL TIPS - SEAMANSHIP' section of the SOA Website.

We aim to build this section into a library of tips and information covering all aspects of communication, navigation and seamanship so that anyone venturing to sea does so safely and in accordance with the latest maritime legislation.  Also featured will be local knowledge for some popular Shrimper sailing areas for those seeking to expand their horizons. 

Amongst the contributions so far are some ideas for man overboard (MOB) procedure, how to come alongside safely, what GMDSS is all about, why Poole has such peculiar tides and a few suggestions for lunch stops when sailing from Rock.   

Any contributions to help build up our knowledge base will be gratefully received and should be sent to  

MOB Procedure

Coming Alongside

Poole Tides

GMDSS & SOA group radio call-sign

Sailing from Rock along the North Cornish coast 

Tim Reid's Swim - August 2010

Your anchor - will it keep you safe

Sail trim from the experts - PBO article Getting To Grips With Gaff

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