Shrimper Owners Association
About The SOA

About The SOA

Reflecting the style and spirit of the Cornish Shrimper, the SOA is a very relaxed and low-key organisation. It is decentralised and relies heavily on the enthusiasm of members at local level. It thrives because the elegance, practicality,seaworthiness and fun aspects of the Shrimper tend to attract owners who have a good deal in common.

The SOA is a sum of its parts, namely, the regional groups. Some of the groups have large numbers ie, Falmouth, Rock, Poole, Solent & Chichester, whereas other areas without the benefit of safe harbours, etc., are less populated, but with equally enthusiastic members.

Each group has a Regional Honorary Secretary (Hon Sec), who plans and implements the seasonal programs. He/She is the primary point of contact for those SOA members wishing to join up in any particular area.  Joining one of the local events or perhaps International Shrimper Week is the perfect introduction to sailing within the SOA.

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