Shrimper Owners Association
Data Protection

Shrimper Owners Association (The SOA)
Privacy & Data Protection Policy


As an active membership organisation, the SOA needs to process certain data to manage routine activities on behalf of its members. Much of this data relates to members contact details, and the SOA and its Officers consider it vitally important that this information is dealt with in a reasoned manner that members understand and permit and which accords with the GDPR principles.

If you feel that your personal data is not being managed in accordance with this Policy, then contact either The Honorary Membership Secretary or the Honorary National Secretary.


Who are we?

We are the Shrimper Owners Association. We are run at an international level by an Honorary National Secretary, an Honorary Membership Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer. We have a Website ‘Master’ and a Magazine Editor. These five individuals work together as required. A number of Regional Honorary Secretaries manage SOA affairs in their specific area. Members are allocated to one or more of these areas when they join the SOA.


When do we collect your personal information?

The SOA collects information at different times. These include:-

  1. When you join the SOA.
  2. When you advise us that you have changed your boat or its location or your own contact details.
  3. When you partake in SOA activities such as International Shrimper Week, local rallies or other SOA related events.
  4. When you ask us to advertise your boat or other equipment through our website.


What type of information do we collect?

Common information we keep includes

  1. Your name, address, email address and phone numbers so that you can be contacted
  2. Details of the boat you own, the duration of your membership, the area in which you keep the boat
  3. Photos and articles that you supply to us for publication on the website and in the SOA magazine.

We do not hold financially sensitive information such as bank details. No direct debits on member accounts are in place.


Why do we collect this information?

The SOA has a legitimate interest in processing members’ data. The legitimate interest can be defined as the wish to enjoy Shrimper sailing, the desire to maintain links with others who hold the same interests and the need to be kept informed of developments within the Association and the Shrimper Class. Without this information the SOA would be unable to fulfil its aims, which are met in the following ways:-

  1. Maintaining a digital database listing current members, their contact details and details of their boats. This is essential for ensuring contact with members so they may benefit from belonging to the SOA.
  2. Maintaining details of previous owners of boats. This important historical resource is not published, nor is it held digitally, but it forms the definitive record of the association development over the years.
  3. Enhancing member benefit by offering them (through the channel of their national or local honorary secretary) the opportunity to participate in SOA events.
  4. Publishing every two years a Register of Owners, including contact and boat details.
  5. Distributing to all members the association magazine, ‘The Shrimper’.
  6. Through the Register of Owners, facilitating contact between members.


Existing members have been asked to give their permission to the SOA to enable it to

  1. Contact them by mail, email or telephone.
  2. Place their details in the Register of Members. The SOA will ensure that member requests regarding privacy are noted and acted upon.


New members give their consent when completing the standard membership form.


When do we share this information?

The SOA shares the information collected with its local honorary secretaries. The information is also shared with the publisher of the Register of Owners.

Members receive a copy of the SOA Register of Owners. The contents of the Register must be regarded as privileged information and owners are asked to keep their copies in a safe place. Superseded copies must be disposed of in such a way that the contents are not available to third parties.

Members providing material for use in the SOA’s magazine or website are deemed to have given their permission for its publication.

The Association will never provide information to third parties, for instance, for commercial gain.

Where certain areas run group Facebook pages members must make their own decision to join the group. The terms and conditions of the social media provider prevail over this Policy.


Where do we store your personal information?

The Honorary Membership Secretary maintains the database on a desktop device and the archive is held in hard copy.
Local Honorary Secretaries receive electronic lists of their members. Some may choose to print these lists for ease of handling.


Transferring information outside of the United Kingdom

Membership of the Association is principally located within the United Kingdom. A number of members resident in EU countries and others such as Australia and the USA receive a copy of the Register of Owners. Despite the UK exiting the EU the GDPR Regulation (driven by EU legislation) remains in force and the Register of Owners will continue to be transferred out of the United Kingdom.


Your rights

You have the following rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you

  1. To access your personal information
  2. To be provided with information about how your information is processed
  3. To have your information corrected or updated
  4. To have your personal information erased, though this disassociates you from the activities of the SOA
  5. To prevent outright or to restrict how your personal information is processed.

If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact the Honorary Membership Secretary.


Shrimper Owners Association
V.2 February 2021

© Shrimper Owners Association 2025
Privacy & Data Protection Policy
Website Design by NOW Design