Shrimper Owners Association
Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form

For a one-off joining fee of £45 (no annual subscription), you can enjoy the following benefits of membership for as long as you own your Shrimper:

*The Shrimper logo depicts a boiled shrimp rampant upon the black-and-white cross of St Piran, patron saint of Cornwall.

Please the complete form

If you wish to take up Membership of the Shrimper Owners Association please complete the form below. On confirmation of receipt you will receive an email with details to pay the annual subscription.

Boat Information

* If your Shrimper is jointly owned with one (or more) others who live at a different address, and if your co-owner(s) wish to receive their own copy of the Magazine and Register, they should complete and send off a separate application form, together with a separate joining fee.

General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).
It is essential that you complete the form to allow us to keep in contact with you.

For more information, please read our Data Protection Policy.

I agree to the Shrimper Owners Association holding and using my data, strictly for non-commercial purposes. I am happy to be contacted by the SOA’s National and Regional officers by phone, mail or electronically.

Data use in any future ‘Register of Members’?

© Shrimper Owners Association 2025
Privacy & Data Protection Policy
Website Design by NOW Design