Shrimper Owners Association
How To Sell

How to Sell Your Boat and Equipment

The Shrimper is a well-known and respected boat and second hand Shrimpers are normally snapped up quickly.  Depreciation is relatively low so sellers can expect to gain a good price if their boat is in good order. 


Adverts for boats and equipment are accepted in good faith and are intended simply to bring sellers and buyers together.  The SOA cannot play any part in negotiations nor does it accept any responsibility for the accuracy of advertisements or condition of the boats and equipment offered for sale. Buyers must contact the vendor direct to investigate condition themselves or through a surveyor. 




What You Should Do

Have a look at the information presented by others on the sales pages and then put your boat's information in the same or similar format and send by e-mail to me at  You can include photos of your boat with the advert and these should be of reasonable quality, the right way up so they view correctly and in Jpeg format, sent as attachments to an email and not as part of the email.   

You should also send a donation to the Shrimper Owners Associatand ion to the value of £50 via BACS and email the Honorary Treasurer, Karen Macey, to let her know that payment has been made.  When advertsing trailers for sale we ask for a donation to the value of £30, paid via BACS, with an email to the Honorary Treasurer to confirm payment.. 


Please be aware that, from March 2025, boats can be listed on the website for a maximum of fifteen months from when the advert was first placed.  If boats remain unsold at the end of this period the owner will be contacted and the advert removed.  


Bank account information for BACS transfer::

For overseas members please use:


We need to pay for this website and your donations keep it going!   If you are not a member we ask for a donation of £85.  


Please note that the SOA can only accept adverts for the private sale of used Shrimpers and associated items.  We are not able to list other Cornish Crabber boats or equipment.


What Happens Next?

Within a week of your information and donation arriving your details will be entered on to the site (as long as I am not away sailing in which case there may be a delay) and the requests for further information should come flooding in. 


Warning - Please Note:

We are aware that criminal gangs and/or scammers may pose as potential purchasers of boats advertised here.   If your boat is listed for sale and you receive an email that sounds suspicious, do not respond, but please, in a new email, advise Richard Worsley at of the incident.

After You Sell

Please ensure that the person you sell to understands the advantages of joining the SOA and if possible pass him a Joining Form. If you are very happy with the result you can always send another cheque!  Please also let me know when you sell so that buyers are not frustrated and you are not pestered after your boat has gone to a new home.  Please send a second e-mail to me with your sail number so that I can easily find your old boat.

© Shrimper Owners Association 2025
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