Shrimper Owners Association
For Sale & Wanted

Miscellaneous Sales

Please find below items that are not boats, trailers or cottages but which may be of interest to Shrimper owners. In the name of sustainability, low cost items can be added to the page at no initial donation (although one after sale would be nice!), but for items above £500 we ask for a small up-front donation of £20. E-mail the details to me at Payment may be made using the information shown on The Selling Process.

Shrimper 19 Sails

Shrimper 19 Sails

Poole, Dorset
WANTED Berth Extensions

Sussex or Surrey
Shrimper 19 Jib

Poole, Dorset
Shrimper 19 Mk 1 galvanised gooseneck parts

Wimborne, Dorset
Shrimper 19 bilge pump handle

Horizon VHF Radio

Mooring Strops

Shrimper 19 Mk II Boom

Holt Folding Anchor

Mk 1 Boarding Ladder Wanted

Lodestar inflatable dinghy

Gloucester or Cornwall
Avon 9' Dinghy

Cornwall or Gloucester
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