Shrimper Mk II Ruth
This boat has been sailed in Poole Harbour all her life by only two owners. I have owned her since 2007, and kept her moored in Parkstone YC Marina. She has a Burgundy hull colour with Cream decks and Maroon cushions. The sails are beautiful North Sails which have not been used that much and allowed her to win three series and Poole Week last time she sailed. The hull has been copper bottomed, but the rudder is in need of some attention.
Equipment includes:
Two plus two inside layout
Stern boarding ladder
Acrylic upper and lower weatherboards
Inboard Radio
Depth Gauge
Hand held or clipped compass
Navigation and masthead lights, aerial and weathervane
Single burner gimbaled gas burner
Table for use inside the cabin or in the cockpit
Two individual cushions for use in the cockpit
Water bottle
Porta Potti
Anchor, chain and long rope
Duckboards for the cockpit
Stern flagpole and flag
Various ropes
Boom cover
Tiller cover
Full boat cover only used for one winter
Jib stick
3 Fenders
Various other bits and bobs!
The boat is offered at £11,900. There is a trailer available which is being sold separately. We could arrange delivery, if required.
Contact Information
Paul Tyler
07928 652121
Email Seller