Posted on 3rd November 2019
Date​ ​Venue​​​ Location​
24 November​Fox and Hounds​ Comford​
26 January​ Rising Sun​​ St Mawes
23 February Rock Sailing Club​ Rock
29 Marc ​Meudon Hotel​ ​Bream Cove​
You will notice that there is no December lunch – this is because we will be holding our AGM on Saturday 28 December at 1100 at Mylor Yacht Club, followed by lunch – more details a little nearer the time.
Our Falmouth Rally 2020 will be a week or two after ISW and run from Friday 10 to Sunday 19 July 2020. Given the success of our passage to Plymouth this year, we hope to conclude the event with a weekend cruise to either Fowey or Mousehole depending on the wind direction.