Posted on 20th September 2020

Take on ‘The Creeks of Falmouth’ this season!
See how many of the Creeks you can visit this summer using your Cornish Shrimper. Take a photo of you and your Shrimper ‘Up The Creek’, then submit your log to the SOA Falmouth Committee. Prizes to be awarded at the SOA Falmouth Annual General Meeting.
Those that visit all of the Creeks listed (no time limit so take your time) will then qualify for a ‘SOA Falmouth Creek Explorer’ badge which they can proudly display on their boat / wear with pride!
Sail when the weather / tides / time is right for you and over the season fill in the boxes below for each location. Why not anchor and enjoy some lunch whilst taking in the beauty of the area!
Cruise the Creeks in Company: use the new SOA Falmouth WhatsApp Group to arrange a sail in convoy with other Shrimpers! Just let other Shrimper owners know the day you intend on going, a rendezvous location and time (eg. Meet off Mylor fairway lateral marks at 1100), which of the locations on the list you are heading for, agree a VHF channel, and off you go on a Shrimper adventure!
*Please check tide times and weather. Ensure your Shrimper has all the necessary equipment as per SOA requirements, and is seaworthy. As the skipper of your own boat it is your responsibility.
Take on ‘The Creeks of Falmouth’!
See how many of the Creeks you can visit using your Cornish Shrimper. Take a photo of you and your Shrimper ‘Up The Creek’, then submit your log to the SOA Falmouth Committee. Prizes to be awarded at the SOA Falmouth Annual General Meeting. Those that visit all of the Creeks listed (no time limit so take your time) will then qualify for a ‘SOA Falmouth Creek Explorer’ badge which they can proudly display on their boat / wear with pride!
Sail when the weather / tides / time is right for you and over the season fill in the boxes below for each location. Why not anchor and enjoy some lunch whilst taking in the beauty of the area!
Cruise the Creeks in Company: use the new SOA Falmouth WhatsApp Group to arrange a sail in convoy with other Shrimpers! Just let other Shrimper owners know the day you intend on going, a rendezvous location and time (eg. Meet off Mylor fairway lateral marks at 1100), which of the locations on the list you are heading for, agree a VHF channel, and off you go on a Shrimper adventure!
Click on the following link for full information:-
*Please check the tides and the weather are suitable for your journey. Ensure your Shrimper has all the necessary equipment as per SOA requirements, and is seaworthy. As the skipper of your own boat it is your responsibility.